Introducing Revel’s New Superhub and The Potential for Expansion
Written for Revel
The era of electric vehicles is in full swing. With pure electric vehicle companies like Tesla and Rivian selling more cars than ever while long-standing brands including Chevrolet, Toyota and Audi are shifting their product lines to include more electric options every year, the growth of the electric vehicle market is rapid and clearly visible in much of the United States. However, dense urban cities pose a challenge for both electric vehicle brands and drivers alike: a lack of public rapid charging stations. Revel has been tackling this problem in New York City with its three current rapid charging stations in Brooklyn and Queens, known as Superhubs, along with its charging station in Manhattan built exclusively for Revel’s bright blue rideshare fleet.
In New York City, electric vehicle adoption has been low due to a lack of public infrastructure that supports electric vehicle charging. The lack of electric vehicle adoption has made charging station companies and investors shy away from bringing charging stations, and the capital that supports them, to the city—creating a cycle that keeps the demand for electric vehicles low. Revel’s existing Superhubs have already begun the process of creating widespread infrastructure that supports electric vehicle adoption–without the infrastructure, people simply will not buy them.
Revel is working rapidly to bring more Superhubs online and bring fast charging capabilities to both individual consumers and other rideshare drivers who use electric vehicles themselves. No other company in New York City is building rapid charging stations at the pace and volume that Revel brings to the table. In fact, Revel’s flagship Superhub is the largest in North America. Currently, a fourth Superhub is in development in Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood, bringing rapid charging capabilities to even more New Yorkers. Upon completion, it will be double the size of Revel’s current flagship superhub–a powerful testament to the demand for and importance of electric vehicles in major cities.
The Superhub concept has great potential to extend far beyond the five boroughs of New York City. Other dense cities in the United States with promise for electric vehicle adoption are in need of public rapid charging stations as well. Cities such as San Francisco, Chicago and Miami are prime examples of where Revel Superhubs can transform the electric vehicle environment.
In the evolving landscape of electric vehicles, Revel's Superhub initiative stands as a beacon, addressing the critical need for rapid charging infrastructure. As major cities transition to electric mobility, Revel's success in New York City serves as a testament to the transformative potential of accessible and widespread charging networks. Beyond the five boroughs, the Superhub concept presents an opportunity to revolutionize electric vehicle adoption in dense urban centers across the United States, bridging the gap between demand and infrastructure.