Frequently Asked Questions

  • VerbLab implements a comprehensive approach to providing businesses with articles, newsletters and other forms of engaging written content to help them build a brand, solidify authority and drive sales. This is done via both as-needed projects and content management plans.

  • Content strategy meetings are 30-minute meetings where the VerbLab team develops strategies for creating and releasing written content. We’ll discuss your business and the platforms you use, in addition to who your target audience is and what message you want to convey. These meetings are highly valuable and come with all content packages.

  • Content management plans provide businesses with recurring written content solutions ranging from the content itself to tailored strategies. VerbLab will write your content, develop and constantly optimize a content strategy, meet with you frequently and post the content for you.

  • We use Stripe for all transactions. Timelines vary depending on the package being purchased, but generally work as follows:

    Standard Bundles: 50% of payment is collected after the initial consultation and the other 50% is collected upon delivery of all articles.

    Custom Bundles: Payment collection for custom bundles varies depending on the timeline of delivery. If all articles are delivered at the same time, the payment timeline follows the same structure as our standard bundles. If the timing of delivery is spread out, 25% of the total cost is collected after the initial consultation and the rest of payment is collected in three equal amounts over the course of the delivery timeline.

    Newsletters: Payment for newsletters is collected after the initial consultation meeting.

    Content Management Plans: Payment collection timelines for our content management plans vary and are discussed during consultations.

  • Yes. Consultations can take as little as 10 minutes of your time and ensure that VerbLab provides exactly what your business needs. This minimizes the need for revisions and gives us a crystal clear understanding of what your business needs.

  • No. Consultations are always free, regardless of whether or not any purchase is made.

  • Good question! Right here or on our blog.